We recently joined a walking group which consists of mostly English, but also other nationalities including local Spanish people. We walked along the coast passing quiet beaches on a beautiful sunny day, and stopped at a tranquil cove. It was overlooked by half a dozen houses or so, with long gardens well set back so they could only be just glimpsed.
One of the members of the group was dressed a little more flamboyantly than us boring Brits. Aged about seventy he appeared to be in traditional Austrian walking gear; leather lederhosen which had a large nifty flap at the front done up with buttons, a checked shirt, walking boots and a large strong rucksack. His hair was on the long side and my guess is that he was very attractive in his younger days.
This was a time when Spain was in ruins from the Spanish civil war which had decimated the country. Murcia is still very rural in parts and at that time it would have been extremely isolated. There was no other development nearby. He said that if any of the few locals who lived nearby were ill, one of these foreigners would use their vehicle to transport them to the nearest hospital in Lorca some thirty miles away, as none of the locals possessed transport.
Apparently at around seven pm one of the 'group' would ring a little bell along the sea front to indicate that pre-dinner cocktails were about to be served. He also stated that Franco gave his personal permission for the first house to be built. When electric light was installed and up and running they let him know and he sent them his congratulations. It would seem that for a repressive right wing dictator, he was all heart where this group was concerned!
All the people involved would now be dead or in their late eighties and nineties. I have no idea of the truth of the story but it's certainly an intriguing one.
At the back of the beach one walks down a quiet lane. A few new houses have been built. nearly all have high walls, long gardens and guard dogs.
We continued on to have a lovely walk with beautiful views from a nearby hill. These attractive cacti were growing nearby
We related this interesting story to two sets of Spanish friends. One set had not heard of this as they lived further away in Mazarron, however they were not at all surprised and told us that after the war many high ranking Germans were said to have fled here. They also told us that after Algeria gained independence many of Algeria's ex-generals found refuge in quiet and beautiful spots just along the coast from themselves in Mazarron.
The other Spanish friend casually remarked, "Oh yes it's very likely true. Did you know that the house just a couple of miles along from where you live was owned by Hitler's chauffeur?" No we didn't! Again we have no idea how true this is, but the house is situated in a quiet and beautiful spot in what was once a hidden backwater of Europe.
Spain is a fascinating and many faceted country. The civil war was a bloody and protracted affair which caused immense suffering. It is certainly the case that for some people just under the surface feelings still run deep and it's not a topic that you mention in public. At a party with Spanish people we once foolishly mentioned that we were watching a TV series called La Republica, which is set immediately before the civil war. We sat open mouthed as two of the assembled company had a long and passionate shouted argument for some twenty minutes about the series and the time, before carrying on laughing and drinking with each other.
I hope you've enjoyed this somewhat different post. If you have any knowledge of these intriguing rumours I would love to hear from you at :
My next post will be posted by the week-end of the 29th of September and every three weeks thereafter. It will be about a visit to the fascinating and beautiful city of Grenada.
Bye for now Cathy.
Espero que te guste este blog. El proximo sera el fin de semana 29 de setiembre y despues cada tres semanas. Sera sobre una visita a la ciudad fascinante y hermosa que es Grenada.
Hasta la proxima y gracias para leyendo, Si tienes algunas comentarios me gusta leerlos a
I find this post quite interesting. After living in the Murcian coast for 20 years I had not heard about these stories. No wonder there is a great deal of truth in them since these spots were isolated and attractive enough for the purpose of getting over troubled times. Franco's regime wolud supply and additional guarantee of not being disturbed.
ReplyDeleteI will ask my aqcuaintance to find out more.