Then, just 3 weeks after that visit the earthquake struck.
The first tremor measured 4.5 on the Richter scale and hit at 17.05 local time.The main shock of 5.1 struck at 18.47. and occurred just one kilometre under the surface, Tremors were observed not only in Aguilas but also hundreds of miles from the epicentre, in Alicante and Madrid. In total it released a surface energy equivalent to over 200 tonnes of TNT.
Nine people were killed and more than three hundred injured. Three thousand people slept out in tents for over a week. Lines of cars lay devastated under rubble.To our horror we watched live pictures on the TV and saw a massive bell fall from its tower almost hitting the reporter. (You can see this on the Internet). Thankfully no-one we knew was injured.
Many people who have holiday homes in Aguilas are living in them permanently since the earthquake.On asking a neighbour if her home had been damaged, she replied quietly, "There is no home in Lorca that hasn't been damaged." Her own and those of her elderly neighbours has been demolished. Many people were unable to retrieve any possessions and those with no house insurance have lost their homes forever.

Everyone we met was so pleased that we had gone to visit. They said that many people were frightened to come. Although the entire region lies on a fault this was the first serious earthquake in many years.
The inside of every church is damaged where the roofs fell in. Many statues are now headless and the facades of buildings are supported by great concrete staves or by scaffolding. However the people are determined and resilient, shops are open for business.
(In the past we have been given huge bags of oranges, mandarins, lemons and artichokes.We've also had a plate of figs, and recently a delicious portion of the lentil stew that our neighbour was cooking for her husband's lunch! We have learnt that if we say that we like anything our Spanish friends and neighbours will insist on giving it to us).
Back in the street, I suspect that these chaps knew I was taking their photo. Or perhaps the wine wasn't to their taste.
We went back to Juan's flat where we had that typical Spanish dish Fondue! - it was excellent, and a little more local wine. (Our Spanish conversational skills were going downhill even more rapidly than the wine - but we didn't care anymore!)
On a serious note when the earthquake struck our friends' daughter was having an English lesson in the block of flats opposite. We looked across the road - all that was left was a plot of land. Luckily when the first tremor happened most people including our friends went out into the streets. They said it sounded like a massive explosion and that everything shook including the glasses in their cabinet - amazingly not one was damaged.
The people of Lorca have been promised millions of Euros from the government and some rebuilding has started but Spain's economic state is worse than Britain's. Unemployment is at 23% and youth unemployment at 40 % Many people may never get their homes back and all shake their heads when asked, 'How long before it's rebuilt?'
In spite of all this the people are determined and outwardly cheerful. The Easter celebrations this year were as breath-taking as ever and the castle has re-opened for business.There are lots of interesting and beautiful buildings and museums to see and it's still a lovely town. If you have the opportunity, please show your support by visiting - you will be well rewarded.
The next blog will be in a fortnights time - Sunday 3rd June. It will feature a dying craft and an English garden party in Murcia.
I'm delighted to find that people are viewing this blog from as far afield as Russia and the USA. I would be very pleased to receive comments either via the link or at
Thanks for your company, Cathy.
I'm delighted to find that people are viewing this blog from as far afield as Russia and the USA. I would be very pleased to receive comments either via the link or at
Thanks for your company, Cathy.
As ever it is a pleasure to read your stories, they have such a personal feel, yet you paint a beautiful picture with your photos ands words.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment. It's reassuring as it's difficult to know if I'm getting the right 'mix' of information and personal experience.
DeleteMy heart goes out to the brave and lovely people of Lorca. You have given a good insight to this town, Cathy - hope to visit soon.