Hi, if you
are looking for my blog, ‘Legless in Murcia – a visit to a bodega’, please
scroll down the page. If you like animals and or writing –read on!
Win £100 and help
abandoned animals!
Hi, welcome to a blog that’s a little different to the usual
one. If you read my blog regularly you may have read about San Animal Santuario
which is based in San Juan de Los Terreros on the Murcia –AndalucĂa border
A small international team of volunteers rescue abandoned dogs, puppies, kittens and cats. Due to the dire financial crisis in Spain, animals are dumped in rubbish bins, left on busy roads, or abandoned in the countryside. Recently a puppy was rescued from the countryside where he was found tied up in full sun, with no food or water, he’d simply been left to slowly die in agony.
San Animal Santuario
find many animals new homes in other parts
of Europe which incurs the additional costs of them being neutered, vaccinated,
given passports and transported etc. There is also a programme to sterilise feral
known author and tutor for Writing Magazine, Sue Johnson and myself have set up a writing competition in order
to raise funds for the shelter.
1) Short stories of up to
1000 words on the theme of Sanctuary must
be submitted by 31st July. The theme can be interpreted in any way that you wish, for example a special place, or perhaps someone's loving arms, or the sanctuary of a church or a place of safety, or shelter for animals or humans, or even a beauty salon! The choice is yours.
2) Please type and double
space your work on single sides of A4.
3) Include your contact
details on a separate sheet – name, address, Email, phone no. Don’t put your
name on the story itself.
4) There is an entry fee
of £5 per story – or £12 for three - with the option of a full critique by Sue
for an additional £5 per story
5) 1st prize
£100 2nd £50 3rd £25
6) Cheques should be made
payable to S. Johnson, and sent with your entry to:
Sanctuary competition,
The Gallops, Southam Lane, Cheltenham, Glos, GL52 3NY, U.K.
7) If you would like a
critique please enclose return postage – all other entries will be shredded
after the competition.
8)Results will be published on this blog and Sue Johnson's web site.