This blog is about a recent trip we took to Cordoba and the Donana National Park. Further down this page is a section about a newly created dog shelter here and some of its current inhabitants.
In April there was a perfect spell of weather and we drove to Cordoba on an almost empty motorway. (This is due to the financial crisis in Spain which is biting the Spanish very hard with unemployment standing at about 26%).
We drove past the beautiful snow capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada.
We'd booked a hostel in advance in Cordoba and had an interesting introduction to this city with its one-way system and tiny cobbled streets thronging with tourists, as we spent two frustrating hours trying to reach the hostel. We finally managed to park and went on foot. The receptionist explained that we had to go back to where we'd entered the city and press an electronic entry system on a pole in order to enter the street which was closed off by a bollard!
However Cordoba was well worth the effort. The city stands on the right bank of the Guadalquiver river. It had recently rained for almost a month in Andalucía so we saw the river at its best .
As you can see a beautiful Roman bridge spans the river. Cordoba itself is a delight. The heady perfume of orange blossom was intense in its narrow quiet streets where flowers cascaded from overhanging balconies.
Cordoba is famous for its patios which have National Heritage status. They are open for one or two weeks in May but we found it possible to see any number whilst we were there. (We were pleased that we went outside of these weeks, as a recent TV programme showed the streets absolutely packed with people during this time with long queues for restaurants etc).
You can see the patios through their wrought iron gates; a fountain in their centre, ornate tiles and perhaps a palm tree. Flowers and orange trees abound, shady with the noise of bubbling water and birds singing they are tiny peaceful oasis'. Many of the restaurants have them and its a delight to eat in such a lovely surrounding.
In the centre of this beautiful small city is the Mezquita. One of the earliest and most breathtakingly beautiful examples of Spanish Muslim architecture. It opens at 10 am and this is probably the best time to go before it becomes busy with coach parties. You enter through a lovely garden.
Once inside it is astonishing. It is impossible to do justice to the sight of 850 columns rising before you in a forest of onyx, jasper, marble, and granite. Crowning the pillars are an endless array of red and white striped arches. As far as you can see is this perfect alignment and my husband and I wandered around in a daze, speechless, in this incredibly beautiful place which exuded tranquillity.
In the centre of this perfect structure is a heavy and grotesque baroque Christian cathedral commissioned by Charles V in 1520.
It is totally incongruous, and Charles V is reputed to have said, that the clergy had destroyed something unique to build something commonplace. At 11.30am huge groups of tourists start to arrive and we moved on to the historic Alcazar from where you can obtain great views of the city and spend time relaxing in its beautiful gardens.
Cordoba is a great place to stay with lots of historic sites and good restaurants. Andalucía is famed for its Iberian
jamon, (ham
), this owes its delicious flavour to the diet of acorns that the pigs eat. Before we left we had an excellent 'Arabic' meal of a tagine of lamb with couscous -it was to die for!!
We then drove 140 miles south-west to the beach resort of Matalascañas, where we stayed overnight prior to our visit to the Doñana National park. The beach here in common with the other beaches on this south-west coast is wide and long. It was covered in fine sand and by multi-coloured umbrellas with people underneath enjoying themselves. It was mid April and the heat was a pleasant and dry 28 degrees aprox.- either a lot of people were unemployed or they had sneaked off for a long week-end! The Atlantic waves rolled in and it was warm enough to jump up and down in them and enjoy the holiday atmosphere. If you wanted peace and quiet however you only had to walk a short distance to find it.
Our hostel room close to the beach was basic but clean and en suite, with a helpful and friendly owner. It cost us approx. £25/28 euros for the night for both of us.
The next day we drove the short distance to the main visitor centre of Doñana. We had booked a tour a week in advance with the Co-op Marismas del Rocio. (We were told that advance booking is essential and I think that for busy periods you may need to do this several weeks ahead). Although this firm is Spanish they had booked us on the tour bus specifically for foreigners and Spanish people so the tour was in both Spanish and English.
Doñana has been formed by the action of the wind on the constantly moving sand dunes, and the erosion of the sea to produce a vast inland lake. About fifteen of us got into a 4x4 bus with our charming and knowledgeable guide. We set off along a vast beach which stretches for 35 K and is one of the largest unspoilt beaches in Europe.
A group of men were dredging the sea by hand for muscles, cockles etc. They stood waist deep in the water holding heavy sieves at the end of long poles to dredge the sand underneath. They have worked this way for centuries and it looked like hard and difficult work. Because the same families have done this for centuries they are permitted to continue to live in a handful of tiny huts at the edge of the beach.
It was possible to hire binoculars, and numerous sea birds whirled around us, including black kites. Every time our guide or a member of the party saw something interesting, the guide halted the bus or drove it to wherever we could obtain the best view.
We drove off the beach and into massive sand dunes - real Laurence of Arabia stuff!
The dunes continually advance burying all the vegetation in their path including tall pine trees. In fact our guide drove us on top of one of them!
Our guide pointed out the recent tracks of a turtle, meanwhile many birds swooped and flew overhead. Our guide stopped the bus so that we could wander about individually for fifteen minutes and absorb the sights, sounds and atmosphere of this amazing place.
We drove on to the marshlands which were a tremendous contrast. A rich verdant green, covered in wild flowers with insects, dragon flies, different birds and flamingos. Again we were able to wander around and take photographs.
We moved on to the wooded scrub land areas where we saw deer ,and to our great delight javali -wild boar.
Storks nested in the trees nearby.
It's also possible to visit the park by boat from the opposite side at Sanlúcar de Barrameda but I don't think you would view the diversity of habitats and wildlife in this way. It would be relatively easy to combine a trip to Seville with a trip to Matalascañas and entrance to this side of the park.
The endangered Iberian Lynce -wild cat has bred in the park and back in the information centre we viewed a live video of the lynce with its young.
Our visit lasted four hours and it was certainly one of the most beautiful and fascinating places we have ever been to. The price with this company was 28 euros/£25 and it has provided us with some enduring memories.
Now for something completely different. I recently met Elaine who helps to run this animal shelter which takes in both dogs and cats. Animals are frequently abandoned in Spain and it is not unusual for them to be just thrown out of cars, put into bins or simply dumped over someone's wall.
They are looking for permanent and foster homes for the dogs and also for people to just go in and take one for a walk.
We did this recently along with about fifteen members of a local walking group and some local Spanish people. Some brought their own dogs as well so you can imagine the excitement when we all set off.
Recently my husband and I took two residents, Sasha a retriever and Liu a German Shepherd for a walk. They were both very well behaved and really enjoyed a cuddle when we stopped for tea and biscuits.
We were concerned that if we fostered a dog they would miss us when they changed homes or had to return to the shelter, but Elaine explained that the dogs adapt more quickly to a domestic environment when they've already had experience of one. We saw two dogs who had been returned to the shelter because their foster carers had commitments in other countries. They appeared to be quite content in the shelter, although doubtless they would love to have a proper home.
Here are some photos of some of the other residents:

This dog has a shaggy dog tail to tell! His previous owner visited a prostitute and he was left as payment! He was later found hungry and homeless-still smiling though!
Many dogs have been found homes in other countries through the web site or through Facebook. The shelter arranges all their vaccinations etc and has a volunteer who is able to transport them to other countries in Europe. If you are on Facebook and press 'like' for their page this would give them much needed publicity.
I hope you've enjoyed this blog. I have had over 2000 views of the blog now most recently from Australia and Peru. I'd like to thank all of you for reading. If you haven't read the blog before, if you scroll down the page there are about 22 on all aspects of living and integrating into a Spanish community. I hope you all have a great summer, the blog will restart at the end of the summer,
Best Wishes,
Espero que disfruite este blog. He tenido más que 2000 vistas de paises en todo el mundo, más reciente de Peru y Australia. Si no has leido antes hy más blogs on todos los aspectos de vivir en España más bajo de la pagina. Espero que tengas un buen verano, voy a escribir más el fin del verano,